Leicestershire County Council and GallifordTry, the contractors responsible for the bypass works, have confirmed the next road to close as part of the works.
It's been confirmed that the A607 Thorpe Road will be closed from 21st October until 5th December 2024 to allow more works to take place.
In a letter to residents, the construction firm said: "A full road closure is required to safely complete the new roundabout construction works as part of the NEMMDR project. Due to the nature of the work being undertaken at this location work cannot be carried out using a partial lane closure.
The works include removal of the existing carriageway and reconstruction to a new alignment with service trenches and excavations across the full length of the carriageway. We anticipate this closure will enable us to complete the new roundabout without the need for further closures.
GallifordTry has confirmed Thorpe Road will close next month: Photo: NEMM Archive
However, should any final works be required such as the installation of signage, lighting columns and roadside works, there may be a requirement to complete these elements under temporary 2-way traffic lights."
The closure will be in place from 6:00am on Monday 21st October until 11:59 pm on Thursday 5 th December 2024. The closure has been planned and programmed to make use of the school half term holidays to minimise disruption and planned to reopen in time for the Melton Christmas markets. Upon reopening the road layout will have changed.
GallifordTry added that access will be restricted for all traffic through the closure point, this includes no access for pedestrians and cyclists.
As part of wider mitigation measures, to prevent vehicles using local roads as a cut-through rather than approved diversion routes and causing damage to the local network, both Freeby Lane and Woodford Lane will be closed to vehicles at their junctions with the A607. These local closures will be monitored and changes can be made if required.
If travelling from Melton Mowbray on the A607 access is only available to the closure point at Thorpe Arnold. Lag Lane remains closed.
The current access arrangements for residents in Thorpe Arnold Village will remain in place at all times.
If travelling towards Melton Mowbray on the A607 please be aware access is only available up to Melton Golf Club.
The official diversion for traffic to and from Melton Mowbray is via the A606 to the A1.