Firefighters from Melton station have issued a reminder for residents to sweep their chimney after were called to a chimney fire last night.
Retained crews from the town’s station were called to a chimney fire and had to call for assistance from an aerial ladder platform based at Leicester’s Birstall fire station.
The Trumpton fire engine was out collecting for local charities when the incident came in and the crew had to cut their route short.

The chimney fire which the crews attended last night. Photo: Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service
The reminder on the station’s Facebook page said: “Last night the on-call crews had to cut our Trumpton route slightly short as we were called to a severe chimney fire. 
Crews had to request support from our Ariel Ladder Platform crew based at Bristall due to the difficulties in accessing and extinguishing the fire.
When did you last have your chimney inspected and swept? Did you skip it because of COVID? If so get it swept now!
The Trumpton fire engine is back around the town tonight and in the run up to Christmas to raise money for local causes.