A man has been fined £400 by Melton Borough Council after being caught flytipping.
A resident set up CCTV cameras on the land in Welby Lane, Melton, following several incidents of fly tipping.

Caught in the act. A still from the CCTV which secured a £400 fine. Photo: Melton Borough Council
Melton Borough Council took action after the resident presented them with the CCTV evidence.
In a post on their Facebook page they said: “FLY TIPPERS BEWARE! A local man has been issued with a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) after a landowner, Mr John Pickard, installed cameras on his property in Welby Lane following several incidents of fly tipping occurring there. Mr Pickard provided us with all the evidence that we needed to take action and a local man was interviewed under caution, and when presented with the evidence admitted to the offence.
Fly tipping is a criminal offence and can be dealt with by way of a FPN, criminal prosecution which carries up to a 5-year prison sentence and or an unlimited fine.”
You can report flytipping online via the Council website here