A Nottinghamshire man has been fined after fly-tipping a fridge freezer in a Melton car park which he'd been paid by a customer to dispose of.
Petricia Matei of Woodborough Rd, Nottingham, sells fridge freezers across the East Midlands. After delivering a fridge freezer to a Melton resident, Matei offered to remove and dispose of the old appliance for a fee of £30.00.
Residents contacted the council after observing Matei leaving the fridge freezer in the residents’ car park at Drummond Walk.

Council officers were able to use the information to trace Matei and issue him with a £400.00 Fixed Penalty Notice. Matei failed to pay the fine and the council took the decision to prosecute.
On Wednesday 22 September Leicester Magistrates heard from Matei who admitted to fly-tipping the fridge freezer after leaving it and forgetting to make arrangements for it to be collected by a colleague.
After pleading guilty Matei was Ordered to pay an £800 fine, an £80 victim surcharge and Ordered to pay the council’s costs of £700.
Cllr Alison Freer, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement said “Fly-tipping is an offence we take very seriously. One of our corporate priorities is to protect and enhance our natural environment and officers are working hard to combat incidents such as this. Fly-tipping not only impacts on our environment but it also it also affects neighbourhoods and residents.
“This successful prosecution sends another clear message that the council will take action against those who are causing problems in our borough, damaging our natural environment, and affecting local communities.
"We encourage anyone who witnesses a fly-tipping offence to contact us as soon as possible, working together with our community is the best way to catch offenders in the local area.”
To report fly tipping to the council please fill out the online form: https://www.melton.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling/environmental-waste/report-fly-tipping
Local residents wishing to dispose of appliances or other household waste are encouraged to use registered and licensed companies or use the council’s bulky waste collection service.
You can find out if someone is registered by using this web site: https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers